Crisis & Restructuring

Every successful company has overcome a crisis.

When facing a crisis, we distinguish between “restructuring” and “turnaround.” A turnaround often means that the entire wealth of the owners is at risk, with the aim of preserving their life’s work. In such situations, glossy-paper concepts won’t help—what’s needed are concrete actions and measurable results. In a restructuring, early deviations from plans and initial crisis signals often appear. The uncertainty about the future strategic direction is significant. Failing to act professionally at this stage risks pushing the company into a full-blown crisis.

During times of crisis, it is crucial to have an experienced partner by your side. We have extensive experience in the turnaround and restructuring of companies in the printing industry. In over 100 projects, we have identified solutions and implemented actionable recommendations together with management.

Crisis management measures
Rapid identification of the causes of the crisis and development of effective solution scenarios
Financial and operational restructuring
Reporting to stakeholders – particularly banks and investors
Preparation of restructuring reports according to IDW S6 / IDW S11 standards
Distressed M&A
Strategic realignment

Recognize crisis signals early and act decisively.

Most bankruptcies could be avoided if management recognizes the early signs of a crisis and takes decisive action. Although legislators have introduced the protective shield procedure as a new way to save companies from being dismantled during insolvency proceedings, this option should be avoided whenever possible.

The earlier companies begin restructuring, the better their chances of emerging stronger from the crisis.

How does Apenberg & Partner approach crisis management?

Step 1: Company Quick Check (14 days).
Every successful company has overcome a crisis. For business owners, it is crucial to recognize the causes of a crisis early. With over 100 successful restructuring projects in the printing industry, Apenberg & Partner has the industry and methodological expertise needed to identify the root causes of a crisis within just a few days and develop initial solution approaches.

Step 2: Restructuring Concept.
Together with your team, we develop a strategy for how to act during the crisis and, more importantly, how to reposition the company afterward. We assess whether your business model is still viable or if it needs to be modified or even overhauled. The goal of the strategy development is to establish the future direction of the company based on previous insights and relevant industry benchmarks (best practices). Various options are usually discussed and evaluated, weighing which recovery strategy is the most promising. The best option is selected, operationalized, and outlined in a restructuring plan. If necessary, we can prepare a restructuring report according to IDW S6 / IDW S11 standards.

Step 3: Implementation of the Restructuring Concept.
During implementation, the restructuring goals and their timelines are established. Action plans and specific measures are developed to answer key questions: Who does what, by when, and with what resources? The outcome of this step is a prioritized action plan.

Step 4: Progress Monitoring.
Effective monitoring of the measures ensures that the restructuring goals are implemented as planned. Deviations in the implementation process can be detected early, allowing for corrective actions to be taken.

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