Strategy & Transformation

In uncertain times, a clear and well-thought-out corporate strategy is key to providing direction and positioning your company for strength during crises. Apenberg & Partner is your reliable partner when it comes to developing future-proof strategies for the printing industry. Executives trust our outstanding methodology and deep expertise to successfully tackle key challenges such as growth, profitability, sustainability, technological transformation, M&A, and innovative business models.

Our drive is to turn your visions into reality and sustainably enhance your competitiveness. With our profound industry expertise, we give you the decisive advantage that sets you apart from the competition. We believe that successful consulting not only means developing excellent strategies but also implementing them effectively.

Are you ready for the next step? We are here to support you in driving change and achieving new successes together. Let’s get started!


Consulting Approach
Analyze Systematically
Think Strategically
Plan Realistically
Implement Pragmatically
What is the typical project workflow of a strategy consulting firm?

Step 1: Analyze Systematically.
In this step, external and internal factors are thoroughly examined. External analyses include trends, technology, competitors, and customer needs. Internal analyses focus on products, sales, organizational structures, sustainability, and digitalization, as well as the identification of core competencies and strategic success factors.

Step 2: Think Strategically.
Based on the results of the analysis, strategic thinking takes place. In workshops with executives and key stakeholders, the company and portfolio strategy for the next 3-5 years is defined. The goal is to adjust the value proposition and value-creation structures to strengthen sustainable and profitable business growth.

Step 3: Plan Realistically.
In this step, the developed strategies are planned realistically. Concrete measures are developed to successfully implement the transformation. Potential obstacles and risks are also considered to create a solid foundation for implementation.

Step 4: Implement Pragmatically.
The developed plans are now implemented pragmatically. An action plan is created to effectively carry out the planned steps. Active support of the process ensures that the goals are achieved. Monitoring of project progress and results guarantees the success of the implementation.

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